Photography Bex Aston
Fashion Toni Caroline at Eighteen Management
Words by Jiré Saffron
Grooming Ross McLaughlan at Eighteen Management using Oribe
Photography Assistant Nina Close
Fashion Assistant Rhea Nathan
Retouching Nina at Post
Models Shin Dongyeon at Elite Models, Milo Kester at The Squad, Montell at Select Models and Oscar Mathias and Gabriel Pitta at Next Models
Tangled trees and wild vines welcome the 3pm peace. Abandoned parks and hushed streets take a breath before ringing bells. Metalic ripples fill the sweet air moments before the silence shatters. Blonde hair and blue tips. Button downs paired with new sneaks. Loose ties hang from the collars of kids as they teach each other what a man could be.
Running through empty streets, overwhelmed by dreams - each week gets harsher. But, they’ll always look forward to summer, they’ll always have each other. Each season, a new reason to look forward.
Launched into a world of fresh minds lost in flight, Ben Axston follows these young hearts to let her lens paint the picture. Harmony reaches balance. Days wrapped in silence. To be both part and whole, to not reach home until you go outside. Each moment in the grass not taken for granted. The pulse of the Earth against wet fingertips. Body and mind becoming one in real time.
Styled by Toni Caroline, the boys move fluidly between present and past. Classic templates are made modern with loosely tailored cuts and youthful colour combinations. The young men are dressed to move through the seasons without having to wait for the seasons to come to them. As an extension of their skin, they live in these clothes throughout the hours of night and day.
Meeting at the campus quad after hours, discussions arise around the lessons learnt in the field without a textbook in sight. Reaching towards the top of the world and travelling first-class in a silver supermarket carriage, the boys lounge to their hearts content. The first stages of discovery begin when boys become men.
Above: Shin wears white shirt by Aubin, tie and blazer by Paul Smith, chinos by Richard James and trainers by Grenson. Oscar wears white shirt (underneath) by Peregrine, zip-up jumper by Barbour, blazer by Richard James, Trousers by Paul Smith and Shoes are model's own. Montell wears white shirt by L'Estrange, tie by Paul Smith, gilet by Barbour, Trousers Richard James and Shoes by Grenson. Milo wears shirt (underneath) by Aubin, jumper by Barbour Trousers by Richard James and Shoes by Dr.Martens. Gabriel wears shirt and blazer by Richard James, Tie by Paul Smith, Chinos by Wax London and Loafers by Grenson.
Above: Gabriel wears t-shirt (underneath) by David Gandy Wellwear, Rugby Shirt by Rowing Blazers, Jeans by Rag & Bone, Socks by Vans and Trainers by Grenson. Shin wears t-shirt (underneath) by David Gandy Wellwear, Rugby Shirt and Joggers by Rowing Blazers, socks by Aubin and trainers by Converse. Milo wears t-shirt (underneath) and jumper by Peregrine, joggers by David Gandy Wellwear and Trainers by Grenson. Montell wears t-shirt (underneath) and jumper by Peregrine, chinos by Aubin and Shoes by Dr.Martens. Oscar wears polo shirt (underneath) by Rowing Blazers, jumper by Peregrine, joggers by David Gandy Wellwear, socks by Aubin and trainers are model's own.
Above left: Gabriel wears t-shirt (underneath) by David Gandy Wellwear, layered rugby shirts by Rowing Blazers, Jeans by Rag & Bone, Socks by Vans and Trainers by Grenson.
Above right: Montell wears t-shirt (underneath) by Peregrine, rugby t-shirt by Wax London, shorts by David Gandy Wellwear and trainers by Grenson. Gabriel wears polo shirt by Rowing Blazers.
Above: Milo wears t-shirt (underneath) and jumper by Peregrine, joggers by David Gandy Wellwear, socks by Aubin and Trainers are stylist's own.
Above left: Oscar wears hoodie and shorts by Rowing Blazers, Shin wears polo shirt (underneath) by Rowing Blazers, Rugby Shirt and socks by Aubin, shorts by David Gandy Wellwear, trainers by Grenson. Milo wears t-shirt (underneath) by David Gandy Wellwear, rugby shirt by Rowing Blazers, shorts and socks by Aubin and trainers by Converse. Montell wears t-shirt (underneath) by Peregrine, rugby t-shirt by Wax London, shorts by David Gandy Wellwear and Trainers by Grenson. Gabriel wears polo shirt by Rowing Blazers, shorts by Aubin, socks by Vans and trainers are model's own.
Above right: Shin wears t-shirt (underneath) by David Gandy Wellwear, rugby shirt and joggers by Rowing Blazers. Penny wears collar by The Stately Hound and Quilted Jacket by The Trendy Whippet.
Above left: Milo wears t-shirt (underneath) and jumper by Peregrine, joggers by David Gandy Wellwear, socks by Aubin and Trainers are stylist's own. Penny wears Collar and Dog Tag by The Stately Hound.
Above right: Penny and Lenny wear leather collars from Grenson.
Above: Montell wears hoodie by David Gandy Wellwear, chinos by Aubin, overcoat by Barbour and loafers by Grenson. Penny wears collar and lead by Grenson and quilted jacket by The Trendy Whippet.