Photographer Michelle Marshall
Models Ryan Zaman and James Corbin at Supa Model Management
Fashion Rachel Allison
Words David Gillespie
Grooming Amie Williams using Pai Skincare and Makeup Forever
“If it's not a challenge, then it wouldn't be worth it. Right?”
It may have been an ordinary London day, but this was not any ordinary conversation. As I left the cold outside and sat down with models Ryan Zaman and James Corbin, the mood was warm and abundant. The intimate bond between them was unmistakable, dating back to their first encounter shortly after they both entered the industry three years ago. But Ryan and James aren’t your average models, they are the architects of a more inclusive industry, reframing the foundations of fashion once built in the shadows of the avant-garde. At their core, they embody a richness beyond their advocacy; they are true individuals of pure heart and soul.
Both James and Ryan are acclaimed for their artistry, sketching their visions without a preordained blueprint. Ryan doesn’t shy away from the adversity he faces as a queer model with a disability, while James doesn’t hide from uncomfortable exchanges about improving plus-size inclusivity in the industry. As I immersed myself in their experiences, it became evident that what appeared on the surface was far gentler than the underlying reality. I quickly discovered that their journeys have faced recurrent upheavals, revisiting the same conversations while their voices went unheard. Above all, I learned that tuning into your trauma to take on the tide is not without its toll.
But change is here, and it’s here to stay. As Ryan and James both continue to recultivate the fashion climate, their endeavours extend beyond the fashion cosmos into design production and consultation. They are mavericks, pioneering the meaning of representation in a world that once only represented the few. It’s clear to me the volume is finally up, the “conversation is getting louder, and people are finally listening.”
“I'm not just a model, not just a model of a disability, not just a queer model with a disability. There are other things that are totally removed from modelling that I've forgotten about for a long time. That is what truly triggered me to try and rebirth myself.”
Take in the full 14-page story beyond this teaser. Our brand new Spring Summer 2024 issue Breaking Waves is available to buy online and in select stores worldwide.