The air sits gentle, light as the finest silk, stirred only by the pipits and the wanderers of the woods. One such wanderer comes this way now, wading across the shallows - singer/songwriter, poet, and model Sam Way captured by Antalya Nall-Cain.
We first talked to BLOSSOMS 8 years ago for Issue 10. And while a lot has changed since then, they still retain their sense of humour, now in the form of singing about a giant fibreglass gorilla called Gary. Yes, you read that right and yes the song is so good. So is our hour-long conversation in Issue 17.
For Issue 17, Bex Aston captured Wang Chen Ming as one with the tranquillity of nature. He spreads his arms out like wings behind him, lays across verdant grass, and lets his head fall back with the gentle breeze. This is "The Breeze is a Lover."
As we pay homage to Pride, in collaboration with Zadig & Voltaire, we cast the light on 'Young Royals' star Omar Rudberg to dive into what pride means to him.